1. Installation

It is recommended to use OpenTidalFarm on the Ubuntu operating system.

1.1. Quick install

Install using git:

git clone git@github.com:OpenTidalFarm/OpenTidalFarm.git
cd OpenTidalFarm
git co opentidalfarm-1.4
git submodule init
git submodule update
python setup.py install

Install using pip:

pip install git+git://github.com/OpenTidalFarm/OpenTidalFarm.git@opentidalfarm-1.4

Test the installation with

python -c "import opentidalfarm"

If no errors occur, your installation was succesfull.

1.2. Dependencies

OpenTidalFarm depends on following packages:

  • FEniCS 1.4 (Follow the Ubuntu PPA installation)

  • dolfin-adjoint (Follow the Ubuntu PPA installation)

  • SciPy >=0.11 - e.g. with:

    pip install scipy

  • Uptide

    pip install git+git://github.com/stephankramer/uptide.git

  • UTM - e.g. with:

    pip install utm