Source code for opentidalfarm.problems.steady_sw

from types import MethodType
from dolfin import Constant
from dolfin_adjoint import Constant
from problem import Problem
from ..helpers import FrozenClass
from ..boundary_conditions import BoundaryConditionSet
from .. import finite_elements
from import Domain

[docs]class SteadySWProblemParameters(FrozenClass): """ A parameters set for a :class:`SteadySWProblem`. Domain parameters: :ivar domain: The computational domain, see :doc:``. Physical parameters: :ivar depth: Water depth. Default: 50.0 :ivar g: Gravitational constant. Default: 9.81 :ivar viscosity: Water viscosity. Default: 3.0 :ivar friction: Natural bottom friction. Default: 0.0025 :ivar rho: Density of water. Default: 1000.0 Equation parameters: :ivar include_advection: Boolean indicating if the advection is included. Default: True :ivar include_viscosity: Boolean indicating if the viscosity is included. Default: True :ivar linear_divergence: Boolean indicating if the divergence equation is linearised. Default: False :ivar f_u: A source term for the velocity component as a :class:`dolfin.Expression`. Default: Constant((0, 0)) Boundary conditions: :ivar bctype: Specifies how the boundary conditions should be enforced. Valid options are: 'weak_dirichlet', 'strong_dirichlet' or 'flather'. Default: 'strong_dirichlet' :ivar bcs: A :class:`opentidalfarm.boundary_conditions.BoundaryConditionSet` containing a list of boundary conditions for the problem. Discretization settings: :ivar finite_element: The finite-element pair to use. Default: :class:`opentidalfarm.finite_elements.p2p1` """ # Domain domain = None # Physical parameters depth = 50. g = 9.81 viscosity = 3.0 friction = 0.0025 rho = 1000. tidal_farm = None # Equation settings include_advection = True include_viscosity = True linear_divergence = False # FIXME: Replace initial_condition with initial_condition_* initial_condition = Constant((1e-16, 0, 0)) initial_condition_u = Constant((1e-16, 0)) initial_condition_eta = Constant(0) f_u = Constant((0, 0)) # Finite element settings finite_element = staticmethod(finite_elements.p2p1) # Boundary conditions bcs = BoundaryConditionSet()
[docs]class SteadySWProblem(Problem): r""" Create a steady-state shallow water problem: .. math:: -\nabla\cdot\nu\nabla u+u\cdot\nabla u+g\nabla \eta + \frac{c_b + c_t}{H} \| u\| u &= f_u, \\ \nabla \cdot \left( H u \right) &= 0, where - :math:`u` is the velocity, - :math:`\eta` is the free-surface displacement, - :math:`H=\eta + h` is the total water depth where :math:`h` is the water depth at rest, - :math:`f_u` is the velocity forcing term, - :math:`c_b` is the (quadratic) natural bottom friction coefficient, - :math:`c_t` is the (quadratic) friction coefficient due to the turbine farm, - :math:`\nu` is the viscosity coefficient, - :math:`g` is the gravitational constant, :parameter parameters: A :class:`SteadySWProblemParameters` object containing the parameters of the problem. """ def __init__(self, parameters): if not type(parameters) == SteadySWProblemParameters: raise TypeError("parameters must be of type \ SteadySWProblemParameters.") self.__init_without_type_check__(parameters) def __init_without_type_check__(self, parameters): if not isinstance(parameters.domain, Domain): raise TypeError("parameters.domain is not a valid Domain.") self.parameters = parameters @property def _is_transient(self): return False @staticmethod
[docs] def default_parameters(): ''' Returns a :class:`SteadySWProblemParameters` with default parameters. ''' return SteadySWProblemParameters()