Source code for opentidalfarm.reduced_functional

import sys
import os.path
import numpy
import helpers
import dolfin_adjoint
from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
from solvers import Solver
from functionals import TimeIntegrator, PrototypeFunctional
from memoize import MemoizeMutable
from options import options
from reduced_functional_prototype import ReducedFunctionalPrototype

[docs]class ReducedFunctionalParameters(helpers.FrozenClass): """ A set of parameters for a :class:`ReducedFunctional`. Following parameters are available: :ivar scale: A scaling factor. Default: 1.0 :ivar automatic_scaling: The reduced functional will be automatically scaled such that the maximum absolute value of the initial gradient is equal to the specified factor. Set to False to deactivate the automatic scaling. Default: 5. :ivar load_checkpoints: If True, the checkpoints are loaded from file and used. Default: False :ivar save_checkpoints: Automatically store checkpoints after each optimisation iteration. Default: False :ivar checkpoint_basefilename: The base filename (without extensions) for storing or loading the checkpoints. Default: 'checkpoints'. """ scale = 1. automatic_scaling = 5. save_checkpoints = False load_checkpoints = False checkpoints_basefilename = "checkpoints"
[docs]class ReducedFunctional(ReducedFunctionalPrototype): """ Following parameters are expected: :ivar functional: a :class:`PrototypeFunctional` class. :ivar controls: a :class:`TurbineFarmControl` or :class:`dolfin_adjoint.DolfinAdjointControl` class. :ivar solver: a :class:`Solver` object. :ivar parameters: a :class:`ReducedFunctionalParameters` object. This class has a parameter attribute for further adjustments. """ def __init__(self, functional, controls, solver, parameters): # For consistency with the dolfin-adjoint API. self.scale = parameters.scale self.solver = solver if not isinstance(solver, Solver): raise ValueError, "solver argument of wrong type." self.functional = functional if not isinstance(functional, PrototypeFunctional): raise ValueError, "invalid functional argument." # Create the default parameters self.parameters = parameters # Hidden attributes self._solver_params = solver.parameters self._problem_params = solver.problem.parameters self._time_integrator = None self._automatic_scaling_factor = None # Caching variables that store which controls the last forward run was # performed self.last_m = None if self.solver.parameters.dump_period > 0: turbine_filename = os.path.join(solver.parameters.output_dir, "turbines.pvd") self.turbine_file = File(turbine_filename, "compressed") if self._solver_params.output_turbine_power: power_filename = os.path.join(solver.parameters.output_dir, "power.pvd") self.power_file = File(power_filename, "compressed") # dolfin-adjoint requires the ReducedFunctional to have a member # variable `parameter` which must be a list comprising an instance of a # class (here, TurbineFarmControl) which has a method named `data` # which returns a numpy.ndarray of the parameters used for optimisation, # e.g. the turbine frictions and positions. if not hasattr(controls, "__getitem__"): controls = [controls] self.controls = controls self._compute_functional_mem = MemoizeMutable(self._compute_functional) self._compute_gradient_mem = MemoizeMutable(self._compute_gradient) # Load checkpoints from file if self.parameters.load_checkpoints: self._load_checkpoint() if self._solver_params.print_individual_turbine_power: # if this is enabled, we need to instantiate the relevant helper # and pass this to the solver output_writer = helpers.OutputWriter(self.functional) self._solver_params.output_writer = output_writer @staticmethod
[docs] def default_parameters(): """ Return the default parameters for the :class:`ReducedFunctional`. """ return ReducedFunctionalParameters()
def _compute_gradient(self, m, forget=True): """ Compute the functional gradient for the turbine positions/frictions array """ farm = self.solver.problem.parameters.tidal_farm # If any of the parameters changed, the forward model needs to be re-run if numpy.any(m != self.last_m): self._compute_functional(m, annotate=True) J = self.time_integrator.dolfin_adjoint_functional() # Output power if self.solver.parameters.dump_period > 0: if self._solver_params.output_turbine_power: turbines = farm.turbine_cache["turbine_field"] power = self.functional.power(self.solver.current_state, turbines) self.power_file << project(power, farm._turbine_function_space, annotate=False) if farm.turbine_specification.controls.dynamic_friction: parameters = [] for i in xrange(len(farm._parameters["friction"])): parameters.append( FunctionControl("turbine_friction_cache_t_%i" % i)) else: parameters = FunctionControl("turbine_friction_cache") djdtf = dolfin_adjoint.compute_gradient(J, parameters, forget=forget) dolfin.parameters["adjoint"]["stop_annotating"] = False # Decide if we need to apply the chain rule to get the gradient of # interest. if farm.turbine_specification.smeared: # We are looking for the gradient with respect to the friction dj = dolfin_adjoint.optimization.get_global(djdtf) else: # Let J be the functional, m the parameter and u the solution of the # PDE equation F(u) = 0. # Then we have # dJ/dm = (\partial J)/(\partial u) * (d u) / d m + \partial J / \partial m # = adj_state * \partial F / \partial u + \partial J / \partial m # In this particular case m = turbine_friction, J = \sum_t(ft) dj = [] if farm.turbine_specification.controls.friction: # Compute the derivatives with respect to the turbine friction for tfd in farm.turbine_cache["turbine_derivative_friction"]: farm.update() dj.append(djdtf.vector().inner(tfd.vector())) elif farm.turbine_specification.controls.dynamic_friction: # Compute the derivatives with respect to the turbine friction for djdtf_arr, t in zip(djdtf, farm.turbine_cache["turbine_derivative_friction"]): for tfd in t: farm.update() dj.append(djdtf_arr.vector().inner(tfd.vector())) if farm.turbine_specification.controls.position: # Compute the derivatives with respect to the turbine position for d in farm.turbine_cache["turbine_derivative_pos"]: for var in ('turbine_pos_x', 'turbine_pos_y'): farm.update() tfd = d[var] dj.append(djdtf.vector().inner(tfd.vector())) dj = numpy.array(dj) return dj def _compute_functional(self, m, annotate=True): """ Compute the functional of interest for the turbine positions/frictions array """ self.last_m = m self._update_turbine_farm(m) farm = self.solver.problem.parameters.tidal_farm # Configure dolfin-adjoint adj_reset() dolfin.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"] = True self._set_revolve_parameters() # Solve the shallow water system and integrate the functional of # interest. final_only = (not self.solver.problem._is_transient or self._problem_params.functional_final_time_only) self.time_integrator = TimeIntegrator(self.solver.problem, self.functional, final_only) for sol in self.solver.solve(annotate=annotate): self.time_integrator.add(sol["time"], sol["state"], sol["tf"], sol["is_final"]) return self.time_integrator.integrate() def _set_revolve_parameters(self): if (hasattr(self._solver_params, "revolve_parameters") and self._solver_params.revolve_parameters is not None): (strategy, snaps_on_disk, snaps_in_ram, verbose) = self._farm.params['revolve_parameters'] adj_checkpointing( strategy, self._problem_params.finish_time/self._problem_params.dt, snaps_on_disk=snaps_on_disk, snaps_in_ram=snaps_in_ram, verbose=verbose) def _update_turbine_farm(self, m): """ Update the turbine farm from the flattened parameter array m. """ farm = self.solver.problem.parameters.tidal_farm if farm.turbine_specification.smeared: farm._parameters["friction"] = m else: controlled_by = farm.turbine_specification.controls shift = 0 if controlled_by.friction: shift = len(farm._parameters["friction"]) farm._parameters["friction"] = m[:shift] elif controlled_by.dynamic_friction: shift = len(numpy.reshape(farm._parameters["friction"],-1)) nb_turbines = len(farm._parameters["position"]) farm._parameters["friction"] = ( numpy.reshape(m[:shift], (-1, nb_turbines)).tolist()) if controlled_by.position: m_pos = m[shift:] farm._parameters["position"] = ( numpy.reshape(m_pos, (-1,2)).tolist()) # Update the farm cache. farm.update() def _save_checkpoint(self): """ Checkpoint the reduced functional from which can be used to restart the turbine optimisation. """ base_filename = self.parameters.checkpoints_basefilename base_path = os.path.join(self._solver_params.output_dir, base_filename) self._compute_functional_mem.save_checkpoint(base_path + "_fwd.dat") self._compute_gradient_mem.save_checkpoint(base_path + "_adj.dat") def _load_checkpoint(self): """ Checkpoint the reduceduced functional from which can be used to restart the turbine optimisation. """ base_filename = self.parameters.checkpoints_basefilename base_path = os.path.join(self._solver_params.output_dir, base_filename) self._compute_functional_mem.load_checkpoint(base_path + "_fwd.dat") self._compute_gradient_mem.load_checkpoint(base_path + "_adj.dat")
[docs] def evaluate(self, m, annotate=True): """ Return the functional value for the given parameter array. """ log(INFO, 'Start evaluation of j') timer = dolfin.Timer("j evaluation") j = self._compute_functional_mem(m, annotate=annotate) timer.stop() if self.parameters.save_checkpoints: self._save_checkpoint() log(INFO, 'Runtime: %f s.' % timer.value()) log(INFO, 'j = %e.' % float(j)) self.last_j = j if self.parameters.automatic_scaling: if self._automatic_scaling_factor is None: # Computing dj will set the automatic scaling factor. log(INFO, ("Computing derivative to determine the automatic " "scaling factor")) self._dj(m, forget=False, new_optimisation_iteration=False) return j*self.scale*self._automatic_scaling_factor else: return j*self.scale
def _dj(self, m, forget, new_optimisation_iteration=True): """ This memoised function returns the gradient of the functional for the parameter choice m. """ log(INFO, 'Start evaluation of dj') timer = dolfin.Timer("dj evaluation") dj = self._compute_gradient_mem(m, forget) # We assume that the gradient is computed at and only at the beginning # of each new optimisation iteration. Hence, this is the right moment # to store the turbine friction field and to increment the optimisation # iteration counter. if new_optimisation_iteration: self.solver.optimisation_iteration += 1 farm = self.solver.problem.parameters.tidal_farm if (self.solver.parameters.dump_period > 0 and farm is not None): # A cache hit skips the turbine cache update, so we need # trigger it manually. if self._compute_gradient_mem.has_cache(m, forget): self._update_turbine_farm(m) if farm.turbine_specification.controls.dynamic_friction: log(WARNING, ("Turbine VTU output not yet implemented for " " dynamic turbine control")) else: self.turbine_file << farm.turbine_cache["turbine_field"] # Compute the total amount of friction due to turbines if farm.turbine_specification.smeared: log(INFO, "Total amount of friction: %f" % assemble(farm.turbine_cache["turbine_field"]*dx)) if self.parameters.save_checkpoints: self._save_checkpoint() log(INFO, "Runtime: " + str(timer.stop()) + " s") log(INFO, "|dj| = " + str(numpy.linalg.norm(dj))) if self.parameters.automatic_scaling: self._set_automatic_scaling_factor(dj) return dj*self.scale*self._automatic_scaling_factor else: return dj*self.scale def _set_automatic_scaling_factor(self, dj): """ Compute the scaling factor if never done before. """ if self._automatic_scaling_factor is None: farm = self.solver.problem.parameters.tidal_farm if not farm.turbine_specification.controls.position: raise NotImplementedError("Automatic scaling only works if " "the turbine positions are control " "parameters") if (farm.turbine_specification.controls.friction or farm.turbine_specification.controls.dynamic_friction): assert(len(dj) % 3 == 0) # Exclude the first third from the automatic scaling as it # contains the friction coefficients. djl2 = max(abs(dj[len(dj) / 3:])) else: djl2 = max(abs(dj)) if djl2 == 0: log(ERROR, ("Automatic scaling failed: The gradient at the " "parameter point is zero.")) else: self._automatic_scaling_factor = abs( self.parameters.automatic_scaling* farm.turbine_specification.diameter/ djl2/ self.scale) log(INFO, "Set automatic scaling factor to %e." % self._automatic_scaling_factor)
[docs] def derivative(self, m_array, forget=True, **kwargs): """ Computes the first derivative of the functional with respect to its parameters by solving the adjoint equations. """ return self._dj(m_array, forget)
[docs]class TurbineFarmControl(object): """This class is required to that the parameter set works with dolfin-adjoint.""" def __init__(self, farm): = farm def data(self): return numpy.asarray(