6. Citing

6.1. Papers

Please cite the following paper if you are using OpenTidalFarm:

For work on the addition of cost models into the OpenTidalFarm framework please see:

  • DM Culley, SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott (2016). Integration of cost modelling within the micro-siting design optimisation of tidal turbine arrays, Renewable Energy, 85, pp. 215-227. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.06.013. [PDF].

For work on the addition of cost models into the OpenTidalFarm framework please see:

  • DM Culley, SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott (2016). Integration of cost modelling within the micro-siting design optimisation of tidal turbine arrays, Renewable Energy, 85, pp. 215-227. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.06.013. [PDF].

For work on a continuous representation of tidal turbines that can be used for large-scale optimisation, such as multi-farm optimisation, or resource assessment, please see:

  • SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott (2015). Design optimisation and resource assessment for tidal-stream renewable energy farms using a new continuous turbine approach, Renewable Energy, 99, pp. 1046-1061. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.07.039. [PDF].

For work on array sizing and sensitivity analysis please see:

  • DM Culley, SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott (2015). Tidal stream resource assessment through optimisation of array design with quantification of uncertainty, The Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Nantes, 2015 [PDF].

For a general piece on the role OpenTidalFarm might play in the overall tidal turbine array design process see:

  • DM Culley, SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott (2014). A hierarchy of approaches for the optimal design of tidal turbine farms, ICOE 2014 (5th International Conference on Ocean Energy), doi:10.684/m9.figshare.1219375. [PDF].

For work on global optimisation of turbine locations through the use of a hybrid global-local optimisation schemes and wake models pease see:

  • GL Barnett, SW Funke, MD Piggott (2014). Hybrid global-local optimisation algorithms for the layout design of tidal turbine arrays, submitted. arXiv:1410.2476 [math.OC] [PDF].

For work on turbulence modelling in OpenTidalFarm and the validity of turbine placement from steady-state adjoint computations, please see:

  • CT Jacobs, MD Piggott, SC Kramer, SW Funke (2016). On the validity of tidal turbine array configurations obtained from steady-state adjoint optimisation, in Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016), Crete, Greece, 5-10 June 2016. arXiv:1601.08091 [PDF]

Finally, OpenTidalFarm relies on external tools to achieve its goals, such as:

  • A Logg, K-A Mardal, GN Wells et al. (2013). Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method, Springer [Webpage, PDF].
  • SW Funke and PE Farrell (2013). A framework for automated PDE-constrained optimisation, submitted. arXiv:1302.3894 [cs.MS] [PDF].
  • PE Farrell, DA Ham, SW Funke and ME Rognes (2013). Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35.4, pp. C369-C393. doi:10.1137/120873558. arXiv:1204.5577 [cs.MS]. [PDF].

6.2. Posters and presentations

OpenTidalFarm at the International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2014:

Poster presentation:

  • DM Culley, SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott (2014). Resource assessment of tidal sites through array optimisation of the number of turbines and the micro-siting design, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1219384. [PDF].
  • T Schwedes (2015). Mesh dependence in PDE-constrained optimisation problems with an application in tidal turbine array layouts, master presentation. [PDF].

OpenTidalFarm at the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016):

  • CT Jacobs, MD Piggott, SC Kramer, SW Funke (2016). On the validity of tidal turbine array configurations obtained from steady-state adjoint optimisation. [Slides]