Source code for opentidalfarm.tidal

from dolfin import Expression  # Keep readthedocs happy

from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
# this imports NetCDFFile from netCDF4, Scientific.IO.NetCDF or (whichever is available)
from uptide.netcdf_reader import NetCDFFile
import utm
import uptide
import uptide.tidal_netcdf
import datetime
import scipy.interpolate
import numpy

__all__ = ["TidalForcing", "BathymetryDepthExpression"]

# We need to store tnci_time as a non-class variable, otherwise
# dolfin-adjoint tries to be clever and restores its values during the
# adjoint runs which yields an wrong behaviour for
# the "tnci_time != self.t" statement below
tnci_time = None
[docs] class TidalForcing(Expression): """Create a TidalForcing Expression from OTPSnc NetCDF files, where the grid is stored in a separate file (with "lon_z", "lat_z" and "mz" fields). The actual data is read from a seperate file with hRe and hIm fields. The parameters are: grid_file_name data_file_name ranges utm_zone utm_band initial_time constituents """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.t = 0 self.utm_zone = kwargs["utm_zone"] self.utm_band = kwargs["utm_band"] tide = uptide.Tides(kwargs["constituents"]) tide.set_initial_time(kwargs["initial_time"]) self.tnci = uptide.tidal_netcdf.OTPSncTidalInterpolator(tide, kwargs["grid_file_name"], kwargs["data_file_name"], kwargs["ranges"])
[docs] def eval(self, values, X): """ Evaluates the tidal forcing. """ global tnci_time if tnci_time != self.t: log(INFO, "Setting tidal forcing time to %f " % self.t) self.tnci.set_time(float(self.t)) tnci_time = self.t latlon = utm.to_latlon(X[0], X[1], self.utm_zone, self.utm_band) try: # OTPS has lon, lat coordinates! values[0] = self.tnci.get_val((latlon[1], latlon[0]), allow_extrapolation=True) except uptide.netcdf_reader.CoordinateError: # uptide raises a CoordinateError if interpolated within the land mask, this shouldn't happen # but dolfin evaluates too many points in the interior of the domain which are then not used # but some of those might overlap with landmask, therefore set to NaN instead of raising an exception # so that /if/ the value is used we'll notice it values[0] = numpy.NaN
[docs] class BathymetryDepthExpression(Expression): """Create a bathymetry depth Expression from a lat/lon NetCDF file, where the depth values stored as "z" field. Parameters are: filename utm_zone utm_band maxval. Default value is 10 domain. Default value is None """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._domain = kwargs.get("domain", None) nc = NetCDFFile(kwargs["filename"], 'r') lat = nc.variables['lat'] lon = nc.variables['lon'] values = nc.variables['z'] # work around incompatibilities in different netcdf libraries if hasattr(lat, 'data'): lat = if hasattr(lon, 'data'): lon = if hasattr(values, 'data'): values = self.utm_zone = kwargs["utm_zone"] self.utm_band = kwargs["utm_band"] self.maxval = kwargs.get("maxval", 10) self.interpolator = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(lat, lon, values)
[docs] def eval(self, values, x): """ Evaluates the bathymetry at a point. """ lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(x[0], x[1], self.utm_zone, self.utm_band) values[0] = max(self.maxval, -self.interpolator(lat, lon))