1. Installation

OpenTidalFarm runs on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.

We recommend to install OpenTidalFarm using Docker:

1.1. Docker images (all platforms and versions)

Docker allows us to build and ship consistent high-performance OpenTidalFarm installations for almost any platform. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Install Docker. Mac and Windows users should install the Docker Toolbox (this is a simple one-click install) and Linux users should follow these instructions.

  2. Install the FEniCS Docker script:

    curl -s https://get.fenicsproject.org | bash

    If running on Mac or Windows, make sure you run this and other commands inside the Docker Quickstart Terminal.

  3. Start an OpenTidalFarm session by running the following command:

    fenicsproject run quay.io/opentidalfarm/virtual

    A Jupyter notebook instance with a user defined name (here myproject) can be started with:

    fenicsproject notebook myproject quay.io/opentidalfarm/virtual
    fenicsproject start myproject

    The FEniCS Docker script can also be used to create persistent sessions:

    fenicsproject create myproject
    fenicsproject run myproject

    To update the container to the newest version, run:

    fenicsproject pull quay.io/opentidalfarm/virtual

    To see all the options run:

    fenicsproject help

For more details and tips on how to work with FEniCS and Docker, see our FEniCS Docker page.

1.2. Manual installation

For the manual installation of OpenTidalFarm, we recommend to use Ubuntu Linux. First, you need to install these OpenTidalFarm dependencies:

  • FEniCS (Follow the Ubuntu PPA installation)

  • dolfin-adjoint (Follow the Ubuntu PPA installation)

  • SciPy:

    pip install --user scipy
  • pyyaml:

    pip install --user pyyaml
  • Uptide:

    pip install --user git+git://github.com/stephankramer/uptide.git
  • UTM:

    pip install --user utm

Finally, you can install the most recent version of OpenTidalFarm with:

pip install --user https://github.com/OpenTidalFarm/OpenTidalFarm/archive/master.zip

Once finished, you can test the installation with:

python -c "import opentidalfarm"

If no errors occur, your installation was succesfull.

One can download the examples with all mesh data with these commands:

git clone https://github.com/OpenTidalFarm/OpenTidalFarm.git
cd OpenTidalFarm
git submodule init
git submodule update

The examples are then stored in the “OpenTidalFarm/examples” directory.

1.3. Older versions

Version 1.5

pip install --user https://github.com/OpenTidalFarm/OpenTidalFarm/archive/opentidalfarm-1.5.zip

Version 1.4

pip install --user https://github.com/OpenTidalFarm/OpenTidalFarm/archive/opentidalfarm-1.4.zip

Version 0.9.1

pip install --user https://github.com/OpenTidalFarm/OpenTidalFarm/archive/opentidalfarm-0.9.1.zip