Source code for

import numpy
import dolfin
import dolfin_adjoint
from ..optimisation_helpers import MinimumDistanceConstraints
from ..optimisation_helpers import MinimumDistanceConstraintsLargeArrays
from ..turbine_cache import TurbineCache

[docs]class BaseFarm(object): """A base Farm class from which other Farm classes should be derived.""" def __init__(self, domain=None, turbine=None, site_ids=None, n_time_steps=None): """Create an empty Farm.""" # Create a chaching object for the interpolated turbine friction fields # (as their computation is very expensive) # n_time_steps is only used with dynamic friction. self.turbine_cache = TurbineCache() self._parameters = {"friction": [], "position": []} self._dynamic_friction_t_0 = [] self.n_time_steps = n_time_steps if (turbine.controls.dynamic_friction and n_time_steps == None): raise ValueError("n_time_steps need to be set when dynamic "\ "friction is used. (Use problem_parameters.n_time_steps to"\ " get the number of time steps.).") self.domain = domain self._set_turbine_specification(turbine) # The measure of the farm site self.site_dx = self.domain.dx(site_ids) def update(self): self.turbine_cache.update(self) @property def friction_function(self): self.update() return self.turbine_cache["turbine_field"] def _get_turbine_specification(self): if self._turbine_specification is None: raise ValueError("The turbine specification has not yet been set.") return self._turbine_specification def _set_turbine_specification(self, turbine_specification): self._turbine_specification = turbine_specification self.turbine_cache.set_turbine_specification( self._turbine_specification) turbine_specification = property(_get_turbine_specification, _set_turbine_specification, "The turbine specification.") @property def number_of_turbines(self): """The number of turbines in the farm. :returns: The number of turbines in the farm. :rtype: int """ return len(self._parameters["position"]) @property def control_array_global(self): """A serialized representation of the farm based on the controls. In contrast to the control_array property, this property returns the global array of all CPUs. In serial, control_array and control_array_global are equivalent. :returns: A serialized representation of the farm based on the controls. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if self._turbine_specification.smeared: return dolfin_adjoint.optimization.get_global(self.friction_function) else: return self.control_array @property def control_array(self): """A serialized representation of the farm based on the controls. :returns: A serialized representation of the farm based on the controls. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if self._turbine_specification.smeared: return self.friction_function.vector().array() else: m = [] if (self._turbine_specification.controls.friction or self._turbine_specification.controls.dynamic_friction): m += numpy.reshape( self._parameters["friction"], -1).tolist() if self._turbine_specification.controls.position: m += numpy.reshape( self._parameters["position"], -1).tolist() return numpy.asarray(m) @property def turbine_positions(self): """The positions of turbines within the farm. :returns: The positions of turbines within the farm. :rtype: :func:`list` """ return self._parameters["position"] @property def turbine_frictions(self): """The friction coefficients of turbines within the farm. :returns: The friction coefficients of turbines within the farm. :rtype: :func:`list` """ return self._parameters["friction"]
[docs] def add_turbine(self, coordinates): """Add a turbine to the farm at the given coordinates. Creates a new turbine of the same specification as the prototype turbine and places it at coordinates. :param coordinates: The x-y coordinates where the turbine should be placed. :type coordinates: :func:`list` """ if self._turbine_specification is None: raise ValueError("A turbine specification has not been set.") turbine = self._turbine_specification self._parameters["position"].append(coordinates) if (turbine.controls.dynamic_friction): self._dynamic_friction_t_0.append(turbine.friction) self._parameters["friction"] = [self._dynamic_friction_t_0] *\ (self.n_time_steps + 1) else: self._parameters["friction"].append(turbine.friction)"Turbine added at (%.2f, %.2f)." % (coordinates[0], coordinates[1]))
def _staggered_turbine_layout(self, num_x, num_y, site_x_start, site_x_end, site_y_start, site_y_end): """Adds a staggered, rectangular turbine layout to the farm. A rectangular turbine layout with turbines evenly spread out in each direction across the domain. :param turbine: Defines the type of turbine to add to the farm. :type turbine: Turbine object. :param num_x: The number of turbines placed in the x-direction. :type num_x: int :param num_y: The number of turbines placed in the y-direction (will be one less in each second row). :type num_y: int :param site_x_start: The minimum x-coordinate of the site. :type site_x_start: float :param site_x_end: The maximum x-coordinate of the site. :type site_x_end: float :param site_y_start: The minimum y-coordinate of the site. :type site_y_start: float :param site_y_end: The maximum y-coordinate of the site. :type site_y_end: float :raises: ValueError """ if self._turbine_specification is None: raise ValueError("A turbine specification has not been set.") turbine = self._turbine_specification # Generate the start and end points in the desired layout. start_x = site_x_start + turbine.radius start_y = site_y_start + turbine.radius end_x = site_x_end - turbine.radius end_y = site_y_end - turbine.radius # Check that we can fit enough turbines in each direction. too_many_x = turbine.diameter*num_x > site_x_end - site_x_start too_many_y = turbine.diameter*num_y > site_y_end - site_y_start # Raise exceptions if too many turbines are placed in a certain # direction. if too_many_x and too_many_y: raise ValueError("Too many turbines in the x and y direction") elif too_many_x: raise ValueError("Too many turbines in the x direction") elif too_many_y: raise ValueError("Too many turbines in the y direction") # Iterate over the x and y positions and append them to the turbine # list. for i, x in enumerate(numpy.linspace(start_x, end_x, num_x)): if i % 2 == 0: for y in numpy.linspace(start_y, end_y, num_y): self.add_turbine((x,y)) else: ys = numpy.linspace(start_y, end_y, num_y) for i in range(len(ys)-1): self.add_turbine((x, ys[i] + 0.5*(ys[i+1]-ys[i])))"Added %i turbines to the site in an %ix%i rectangular " "array." % (num_x*num_y, num_x, num_y)) def _regular_turbine_layout(self, num_x, num_y, site_x_start, site_x_end, site_y_start, site_y_end): """Adds a rectangular turbine layout to the farm. A rectangular turbine layout with turbines evenly spread out in each direction across the domain. :param turbine: Defines the type of turbine to add to the farm. :type turbine: Turbine object. :param num_x: The number of turbines placed in the x-direction. :type num_x: int :param num_y: The number of turbines placed in the y-direction. :type num_y: int :param site_x_start: The minimum x-coordinate of the site. :type site_x_start: float :param site_x_end: The maximum x-coordinate of the site. :type site_x_end: float :param site_y_start: The minimum y-coordinate of the site. :type site_y_start: float :param site_y_end: The maximum y-coordinate of the site. :type site_y_end: float :raises: ValueError """ if self._turbine_specification is None: raise ValueError("A turbine specification has not been set.") turbine = self._turbine_specification # Generate the start and end points in the desired layout. start_x = site_x_start + turbine.radius start_y = site_y_start + turbine.radius end_x = site_x_end - turbine.radius end_y = site_y_end - turbine.radius # Check that we can fit enough turbines in each direction. too_many_x = turbine.diameter*num_x > site_x_end - site_x_start too_many_y = turbine.diameter*num_y > site_y_end - site_y_start # Raise exceptions if too many turbines are placed in a certain # direction. if too_many_x and too_many_y: raise ValueError("Too many turbines in the x and y direction") elif too_many_x: raise ValueError("Too many turbines in the x direction") elif too_many_y: raise ValueError("Too many turbines in the y direction") # Iterate over the x and y positions and append them to the turbine # list. for x in numpy.linspace(start_x, end_x, num_x): for y in numpy.linspace(start_y, end_y, num_y): self.add_turbine((x,y))"Added %i turbines to the site in an %ix%i rectangular " "array." % (num_x*num_y, num_x, num_y)) def _lhs_turbine_layout(self, number_turbines, site_x_start, site_x_end, site_y_start, site_y_end): """Adds to the farm a turbine layout based on latin hypercube sampling. :param turbine: Defines the type of turbine to add to the farm. :type turbine: Turbine object. :param number_turbines: The number of turbines to be placed. :type number_turbines: int :param num_y: The number of turbines placed in the y-direction. :type num_y: int :param site_x_start: The minimum x-coordinate of the site. :type site_x_start: float :param site_x_end: The maximum x-coordinate of the site. :type site_x_end: float :param site_y_start: The minimum y-coordinate of the site. :type site_y_start: float :param site_y_end: The maximum y-coordinate of the site. :type site_y_end: float :raises: ValueError """ if self._turbine_specification is None: raise ValueError("A turbine specification has not been set.") turbine = self._turbine_specification # Generate the start and end points in the desired layout. start_x = site_x_start + turbine.radius start_y = site_y_start + turbine.radius end_x = site_x_end - turbine.radius end_y = site_y_end - turbine.radius site_x = end_x - start_x site_y = end_y - start_y capacity = int(numpy.floor(site_x/(1.5*turbine.diameter))) \ * int(numpy.floor(site_y/(1.5*turbine.diameter))) over_capacity = capacity < number_turbines if over_capacity: raise ValueError("Too many turbines") def lhs(number_turbines): """ Latin hypercube sampling of a unit square """ # generate the intervals cut = numpy.linspace(0, 1, number_turbines+1) # fill points uniformly a = cut[:number_turbines] b = cut[1:number_turbines + 1] c = numpy.random.rand(number_turbines, 2) random_points = numpy.zeros_like(c) for i in [0,1]: random_points[:, i] = c[:, i]*(b-a) + a # make the random pairings points = numpy.zeros_like(random_points) for j in [0,1]: order = numpy.random.permutation(range(number_turbines)) points[:, j] = random_points[order, j] return points # Fetch the points points = lhs(number_turbines) #Scale the points points[:,0] = (points[:,0] * site_x) + start_x points[:,1] = (points[:,1] * site_y) + start_y for i in range(len(points)): self.add_turbine((points[i,0], points[i,1]))"Used latin hypercube sampling to add %i turbines to the site"\ % number_turbines) # NOTE there is no simple way of checking the starting design satisfies # the inequality constraints (if they have been set) Generally the # design will 'untangle' itself in the second iteration - i.e. when the # turbine positions are updated the constraints should be fulfilled. # However, with densely populated sites, it may be wise to use one of # the other layout options.'LHS generated starting layout may not fulfill inequality '\ 'constraints if set... use caution')
[docs] def set_turbine_positions(self, positions): """Sets the turbine position and an equal friction parameter. :param list positions: List of tuples containint x-y coordinates of turbines to be added. """ self.turbine_cache["position"] = positions self.turbine_cache["friction"] = ( self._turbine_specification.friction*numpy.ones(len(positions))) self.update()
[docs] def site_boundary_constraints(self): """Raises NotImplementedError if called.""" return NotImplementedError("The Farm base class does not have " "boundaries.")
[docs] def minimum_distance_constraints(self, large=False): """Returns an instance of MinimumDistanceConstraints. :param bool large: Use a minimum distance implementation that is suitable for large farms (i.e. many turbines). Default: False :returns: An instance of dolfin_adjoint.InequalityConstraint that enforces a minimum distance between turbines. :rtype: :py:class:`MinimumDistanceConstraints` (if large=False) or :py:class:`MinimumDistanceConstraintsLargeArray` (if large=True) """ # Check we have some turbines. n_turbines = len(self.turbine_positions) if (n_turbines < 1): raise ValueError("Turbines must be deployed before minimum " "distance constraints can be calculated.") controls = self._turbine_specification.controls minimum_distance = self._turbine_specification.minimum_distance positions = self.turbine_positions if large: return MinimumDistanceConstraintsLargeArrays(positions, minimum_distance, controls) else: return MinimumDistanceConstraints(positions, minimum_distance, controls)